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12th Man Prizes

It’s about time you got paid for your loyalty! The BetUS 12th Man rewards members who are with their team through thick or thin. All you need to do is do what you do best – back your team!

Simply choose your team, then bet on that team’s game (it doesn’t matter what side you back, just that you bet on the game – either the Money Line, Point Spread or Total) each week and you’ll get a big wager on Super Sunday (even if they’re not in it!).

The best part? You don't have to win the bets! That's right, win or lose, your bet counts towards the 12th Man contest. Simply make your team bet in the Sportsbook as you normally would and it'll count towards your picks. Make 16 out of 18 game bets and get a prize, but get an even bigger prize for betting on 17 or 18 of your team's games. Please read the terms and conditions before entering!

$50Super Sunday Bet
$100Super Sunday Bet
$500Super Sunday Bet

Terms and Conditions

  • Registration opens September 1st, 2024.
  • Bets are NOT updated in real time. You will not see your pick reflected instantly after placing your wager. Your team bet will show as a valid pick once all football bets have been graded. In most cases, this will be within 24 hours after the final football game on Monday.
  • Only one entry per account and household.
  • In order to register for the contest, you must have made at least one (1) real money deposit since August 1st, 2024 before entry.
  • To begin the contest, simply choose your team from the drop down menu of professional football teams. This will be known as “your team”.
  • Once you have chosen your team, you may not change it for the duration of the contest.
  • Each week, place at least one real money wager of at least $25, meaning the risk amount must be at least $25, on “your team’s” game.
  • The above wager must be on the point spread, money line or total of said game.
  • Live wagers do not count towards this contest.
  • Multi-game parlays do not count towards your entry for the 12th Man contest.
  • For contest purposes, it does not matter what side of the wager you take (ie. You do not need to bet on your team), just that the wager is placed on the game your team is playing in.
  • Bet results are not factored into the contest – Wins, Losses and Pushes all carry equal weight and are considered valid.
  • More than one wager on “your team’s” game do not carry over – each week only one bet is needed for contest purposes.
  • Prizes are credited for wagering on at least 16 of “your team’s” games.
  • Free play will be credited during the Pro Football Playoffs, before Super Sunday.
  • Free play prize is given in the form of free play with a 10-time rollover and a five-time max-withdrawal.
  • All contest winners are subject to account audits to review adherence to all rules and regulations, if a player's account is not in good standing that player is subject to immediate disqualification.
  • The 12th Man Contest begins on September 5th, 2024 and closes after the final game of the 2024-25 regular season.
  • Playoff games do NOT count towards a 12th Man Contest entry.
  • Bye weeks will appear as an 'X' in players' contest page. To account for this, all players are credited with an additional week at the conclusion of the contest to ensure the correct prizes are credited.
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