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Cloud 9 draws first blood in the NA vs EU battle at Worlds 2023

Cloud 9 has once again demonstrated their mechanical prowess by securing a victory against MAD Lions in the opening game of the Swiss stage at Worlds 2023. This triumph marks North America’s first win at the tournament, further solidifying Cloud 9’s reputation as a formidable contender in the international stage. For the best information on lol betting, check out our breakdown of this matchup!

The North American team displayed an impressive performance, leaving the European representatives disoriented throughout the match. In the series, MAD Lions attempted to execute proactive strategies in the early game, but were swiftly countered by C9’s teamplay. Subsequently, the European team began committing a series of small errors, allowing their opponents to capitalize on these opportunities by taking Dragons rather early.

Cloud 9 draws first blood in the NA vs EU battle at Worlds 2023
Cloud 9 bottom lane of Zven and Berserker

MAD struggled to keep up with Cloud 9’s dominant mid game rotations, particularly due to the impressive performances of Fudge and Berserker throughout the match. Following their successful kill on Baron Nashor, C9 assumed full control of the game and proceeded to close it out in 30 minutes. This victory marked a significant milestone for LCS at Worlds 2023, especially after last year’s performance.

NA fans have ample reasons to be filled with excitement thus far in the tournament. On top of C9’s remarkable performance, they also watched a formidable display from Team Liquid during the inaugural match of the Swiss stage against T1. Although CoreJJ and his team were ultimately finished by T1, they successfully acquired two Baron Nashors and demonstrated their potential to disrupt Korea’s second seed. What most people truly appreciated from that game, is how Team Liquid fought head to head without showing any signs of fear or doubt, something fans have heavily criticized the region for in the past.

Following Golden Guardians’ crushing defeat against Team BDS in the Worlds Qualifying Series, resulting in a resounding 3-0 victory for the European team, this triumph by C9 serves as a gratifying retaliation for NA fans. While the Swiss stage is still in its early stages, it holds the promise of numerous EU versus NA matchups in the foreseeable future, providing an opportunity to finally resolve the perpetual debate. Who is better in the western region?

Sadly we are at a point where both NA and EU seem to be miles behind the LPL, with even the LCK staying in the shadows of their neighbors. However it is a tale as old as time, whether NA or EU has the best talent each year. As soon as a clear winner appears, they will have to face tougher opposition in the form of LPL sides.

The ongoing Worlds 2023 is set to continue with an additional six matches, with all eyes set in Seoul, Korea. League of Legends’ competitive scene is full of excitement and esports odds for you to take a look at! Don’t forget to check our content for more information and bet on esports at BetUS Sportsbook & Casino.

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